Personal Training

What's better than your very own champion cheering on your every move? One of our personal training coaches, that's who! Oh... and we're pretty good cheerleaders too!

From our unique small group option, Strong Woman Club, to our more traditional 1-2-1 option, we're all about building positive health and wellbeing with a heavy dose of fun!

Want to move easier in your every day life? Wish you felt less aches and pains? Want to be able to keep up with your kids, or just want to be the next Strong Woman UK?... we got ya!  If, for whatever reason, you've been thinking about wanting to move more, work on your fitness or build your strength but you don't want it to be focused on the way your body looks, then we're the gals for you!

We even offer a chance for you to try us out for less with our Spark 30 Day Experience.

What goal are you going to achieve this year? Book now for a free chat / consultation by emailing [email protected]

The Strong Woman Club

Small Group Personal Training

You are going to LOVE our unique small group personal training option: Strong Woman Club. Now you can have all the benefits of personal training AND all the benefits of our fabulous community!

Unlike a class, you'll work on the goals personal to you and we'll adapt your sessions as much as required so it's very much like 1-2-1 personal training. However, your sessions will take place with up to 3 other women. We believe that our community of women is second to none; supportive, empowering and joyful, there's nothing like being around a group of other women who positively lift you up! And that's what Strong Woman Club is all about... women who lift together, laugh together! Ok, ok... that's cheesy... but you get the idea!

When is it?

  • Tuesday: 12.15pm
  • Wednesday: 12.15pm
  • Wednesday: 7.30pm
  • Thursday: 5.30pm

What does it cost?

Each session is 45 minutes and monthly memberships start at £70 per month for one session per week. Strong Women choose their main session day but there is some flexibility to move between sessions when required.

But... you can try out our Strong Woman Club AND our classes with our Spark COMMUNITY 30 Day experience. This gives you the opportunity to see if our quirky community is right for you!

Find out more

If you'd like to find out more, we'd love to welcome you to the studio for a chat and a cuppa to see if we're the right choice for you.

Please contact me!

One-to-one Personal Training

1-2-1 personal training is very likely what you think of when you think of a PT session. You'll be able to choose the time that works best for you and work on a personal basis with one of our coaches who will design a programme written just for you and your goals.

We work with a range of equipment including dumbells, kettlebells, barbells, bands, balls, chairs and well... all sorts! But we also work with just you and your body, only adding weight when you're ready and building your fitness and strength at a rate which suits you. We work with complete beginners and those with years of experience; we just don't buy into the 'thin ideal' and we actively fight weight stigma!

When is it?

Sessions are 45 minutes and you arrange a time which suits you with your personal trainer. Get in touch to find out what times and days we currently have available.

How much does it cost?

We have a range of monthly memberships to choose from starting at £135 per month for one session a week. We don't offer pay-as-you-go personal training but we would love to invite you down to the studio for a chat and a cuppa so we can tell you more about what we do and to see if we're the right choice for you.

PT Memberships and prices

What about your 30 Day Experience?

Yes! Our 30 day experience is for you if you'd like to try out our personal training, classes and wellbeing therapies at a discounted trial price! It's the perfect way to see if our supportive and compassionate coaching is just what you're looking for!

Find out more

And, of course you're more than welcome to give us a call or pop into the studio for a chat... we'd love to meet you!

Please contact me

Ditch the Diet, Embrace YOU Coaching

In addition to our 1-2-1 and group personal training, we also offer 1-2-1 coaching to support you in building a better relationship with your body image, food and exercise.  Much of this is based around the principles of intuitive eating which is all about, unlearning diet culture, relearning the facts around nutrition, movement and body size, exploring how cultural messaging can influence our self-perception, and developing a  compassion and lack of judgement for our own bodies and others. For those of us who have spent many years deep in the clutches of diet culture, we lose the ability to know whether we're hungry or full, to know what we truly want to eat, and to feel comfortable in making choices around food which don't induce anxiety or guilt.

These coaching sessions with Maggie are 60 minutes long and focused on improving your wellbeing through self-compassion and self-curiosity. You can choose to access a one-off session to work on something specific or work through the full course which typically takes the average participant between 6-8 sessions. We can work on on releasing you from diet culture, making your peace with food, challenging the food police, discovering the satisfaction factor, honouring your hunger and feeling your fullness, working through emotional eating, respecting your body, and honouring your health.

When is it?

Ditch the Diet, Embrace YOU Coaching Sessions can fit around you, at a time which suits you. Please contact Maggie at [email protected] to find out more or to arrange a free 30 minute consultation.

What does it cost?

We want wellbeing to be accessible and inclusive so we offer a sliding scale membership option with a additional pay-what-you-can assistance where it's needed:

  • Community Supported : £20 per session.
  • Standard  (pay-what-we-need): £35 per session / £135 per month.
  • Standard + Community Donation (Pay-it-forward): £45 per session.