Sound Healing and Spiritual Celebrations

Sound Baths

No water or swim suits involved! ;-)

In our monthly Sound Baths, Helen will play her beautiful Himilayan Singing Bowls while you lie back and let the vibrations and sounds wash over you.

A sound bath is a deeply relaxing, meditative experience which can take you on a journey of self discovery. Everything in the Universe, including our bodies, is composed of vibrations; every organ and every cell in our body vibrates at a particular frequency. The vibrations of Singing Bowls triggers deep healing within your own vibrational energies.

Sound bath Benefits:

  • feelings of incresed well-being and balance;
  • reduces stress, anxiety and feelings of unease;
  • brings a sense of release, calm and peace;
  • remove energetic blockages;
  • can help to ease phyiscal ailments;
  • can decrease blood pressure.


  • First Friday of the month
  • 19.30 - 20.45


  • £15 per session

Family Sound Baths

Have you heard about our Family Sound Baths? They are just like the Sound Baths which you already know & love, but are now available for you to bring your little ones aged 5+ along with you.

Sessions start by allowing the children to explore the instruments for themselves before snuggling down next to their grown up. As you lie back under your blanket, simply allow the sounds to wash over you, calming and soothing. We have been led to believe that our young guests sleep very well after a Sound Bath, as do their grown ups!


  • First Friday of the month
  • 6pm - 7pm


  • £17.50

Book your Sound Bath Now

Spiritual Celebrations

Ostara Celebration, 20th March, 7.30pm - 9pm

To celebrate the Spring Equinox where day and night are of equal length, we will gather in a circle to share stories of the Goddess Ostara and create a special Ostara themed bath salt.

We will then share a joint ritual to celebrate Ostara.

Book Ostara Celebration Now

Shamanic Drumming and Journey Meditation

The rhythm of the drumming echos the first sounds that we ever hear; our mother's heartbeat as we are in the womb. This helps to relax you so that you can enter into a deep meditative state.

Helen will then lead you through a Shamanic meditation where you will journey to your own tree of life before experiencing a deeply spiritual Shamanic Journey.

Shamanic Drumming mediations are special events which take place throughout the year. Contact [email protected] or keep an eye on our social media to find out the next dates.